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"I Don't Know About You, But I'm Feeling 22"

Being a 22 year old is just like being a 21 year old, except now you gotta start worrying about what you're doing with your life.

I've been 22 for about 3 weeks and I find myself thinking "Okay, now what?" a whole lot more. What's next? Graduating and finding a good job. Ok, but what job? So far it's been a lot of anxiety and worrying about the future.

I know I'm still pretty young and I have a whole future ahead of me. I'm just getting started.

I've only gotten a small taste of what being an adult is. I've always seen 22 as the year when you actually start to become an adult.

It's kind of weird though, because I don't fully feel like I'm quite there yet. It might be because I'm still in school or because I don't have my own place and share an apartment with two roommates. Or maybe it's because I see other people my age living completely different lives than me.

I know every one goes through different paths in life. By the age of 22 some people already own their first home, some are already on baby number two. Some are still in school and trying to find their place in the world.

It's not really a concern of mine to find my place just yet, I'm still pretty young. Heck, I'm only 22! I have time to think about that.

Plus, I'm still in college and I won't let myself spend these young years worrying too much about the future. At least I'll try to.

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